Infinitus … (01/01/11)

Mine is the force that sustains all creation

for I am the power by which it is known.

The soft ebb and flow of my rhythmic vibration

creates a new self at my outermost zone

where space-time existence in dream-lit illusion

is more like a garden reflecting y Soul.

Yes, mine are the cycles of life in profusion

for I am but one with my own and their goal.

And if you would find me, then look for my token

in such subtle bindings as darkness to light.

It’s there that my Being, with essence unspoken,

lets each be made known by its opposite sight.

So even you’ll find me at yesterday’s ending

before broad tomorrow in thought could begin,

for time is an echo of opposites blending

and I am already what yet has not not been.

My spirit resides in eternal endeavor

still fashioning freely wherever love calls,

for beauty lies boundless in timeless forever

and joy is your guide through my fathomless halls.

So if you would know me, be ever perceiving

of all as my happiness hardly begun,

for ever my nebulous fringe is receiving

the self that is finding that we are but One.

~ Fred Lansford