Healing your Heart … (07/05/17)

“I sometimes wonder exactly why I was born into this extremely cruel and harsh world, surrounded by indescribable pain and horrific suffering.  I then realize that this feeling is probably a pretty common one — at least to those who are truly Awake.

My thoughts then flow to the more than 5,000,000,000 animals who have been violently executed in the last 24 hours … I bet they questioned their burden in life too.  No doubt the hardships they’ve faced are far greater and far more terrible than those I ever will, and yet the core of despair we carry has to be similar.

Why do we hurt others in attempt to feel better ourselves?  Why is our happiness or suffering so much more important than the happiness or suffering of those nearby?  Why don’t we realize that nothing will ever get better through our promotion of greed or violence?  Why is it so hard for 97% of the human population to understand that the first and by far most important step towards living in a genuinely better world is the step to embracing and enlivening Veganism?” ~ inspired by Alex Mills