The Myth of Milk … (07/03/17)
Just as there is nothing logical about humans drinking the breast milk of another species (certainly not after no longer suckling at our mothers’ own breasts), there is nothing harmless about us doing so either …
You might not be aware of this, but cows are mammals, and as such only produce milk during and immediately after a pregnancy. As such, in order for you to drink milk, dairy cows are repeatedly tied to (what the dairy industry affectionately calls) “rape racks” — where they are repeatedly sexually molested (a.k.a. artificially inseminated). They then all have their babies repeatedly stolen from them after giving birth, and then — while still deeply mourning the loss of their babies, they are hooked up to milking machines and forced to produce roughly ten times the milk that they normally would for their calf. After 4-5 years of this truly horrific abuse, their bodies “dry up” from overuse, and they are sent to the slaughterhouse to made into “cheap meat.”
In short, the dairy industry is the most cruel industry on the planet. It is vile, it is evil, it is wicked, and its product is completely unnecessary.
Please act accordingly in the future …
Please go vegan … Thank you.