General gratitude (December 31st) …

December 31General Gratitude: Go somewhere away from your home (e.g. the woods, a mountaintop, the roof of a skyscraper, etc.) and pause to reflect on the Blessing that is your Life itself … Wait until you really feel Grateful for being alive – then scream “Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuu!” to the Cosmos for as loud and as long as you can.

Whether surrounded by fellow New Year’s Eve revelers or alone in solitude, the close of the calendar year is an especially poignant time to reflect on our lives in gratitude.

What a great night to do this exercise! I happened to be at home tonight, accompanied only by my dog-companion Nooka and an amazing storm. I went out onto my back porch & pondered my own life for a time – and beamed an immense gratitude …

for all my life’s joys that were so pleasurable, and all its pains that were so instructive;

for all the friends that made my way more Peace-full, and all the “enemies” who inflicted the pain that allowed my Love to become stronger;

for my conscient True Self that encourages me to Care for others, and for my ego that tempts me to covet for myself (thereby enabling me to powerfully serve anyway).

What a brilliant life this is! And as that remembrance welled up within me, I started to scream this thanks into the woods at the top of my lungs. I commenced doing so with a softer tone, intending to let it gradually escalate in volume so as to not be too startling to Nooka (who was sleep-resting just behind me).

Interestingly enough, as my volume escalated, the tone of my voice shifted and I found myself almost involuntarily singing my gratitude to the Cosmos. I normally confine my singing to the truck or the shower, so this was a fresh experience for me, and I enJoyed it immensely! Singing, after all – like dancing, should never be confined in any manner.

So this practice allowed me to remember that there are many ways to “scream” without becoming loud, and that – regardless of how it’s done, our Gratitude can always be beamed with Big Joy!

See You when I see you …

… and until the, Be Now!
