James 3:18 … A Harvest of Righteousness (05/31/17)

“A Harvest of Righteousness is sown in peace
for those who make Peace.” ~ James (James 3:18)


Essentially – and most importantly – this verse first & foremost reminds us all of the Truth that peaceful ends require Peace-full means; that we cannot ever attain Peace using force or violence, and that we cannot ever attain Harmony using conflict or condemnation …


Second, in full alignment with the over-arching theology of its author, James 3:18 reminds us that Peace – like Love & Faith & Belief – is a verb; that it must be actively & courageously effectuated in order to BE at all …


Third, the phrase “for those who make Peace” implies another important Truth – namely, the Truth that while Peace cannot come from using violence means, Peace can only profoundly arrive when manifested during times of violence or conflict …


Fourth, the Greek language of the ancient manuscripts provide a measure of intrigue as well – with “peace” actually being the Greek word “eirene,” a word which means “peace of mind” or “contentment of being” (not the absence of war or strife – see Strong’s #1515), “righteousness” actually being the Greek word “dikaiosynes,” a word which means “justice” (not piousness or holiness – see Strong’s #1343), and “harvest” actually being the Greek word “karpos,” a word which means “fruit” (see Strong’s #2590).


As such, what this verse is actually telling us is that “those whose gentle actions bring contentment to their enemies will bear the fruit of Justice and reap the fruit of Peace” … For in Truth, the making of Peace is the sowing of Peace, and the sowing of Peace is the harvesting thereof … All of them are One & all come to fruition in the moment of their making.


Amen … Let it be so.