John 16:7 … The arrival of the Advocate (05/22/17)

“If I do not go away, the Advocate cannot come to you;
but if I go, I will send It to you.” ~ Jesus (John 16:7)


First of all, it is important to realize here that both the Spirit that Jesus calls “the Advocate” (and what secular folks call “the conscience”) and the essence that he refers to as himself are both energetic, “spiritual” entities that reside within the Hearts of each & every one of us (see John 14:20-26) … In this sense, “the Advocate” doesn’t come to us from elsewhere or “from above”, but rather wells up into our Awareness when summoned from within – specifically in every moment we choose to set aside our “sins” of fear-inspired cowardice or greed-instilled selfishness and choose to Love another anyway (see John 15:26 & John 3:1-8 et al).

Similarly, Jesus is not saying here that he personally will come to us from elsewhere or even that his personal spirit will “come into our Hearts” from some external location, but rather he is saying that the same Christ Essence that is already within us all will simply rise up – that our Divine Essence, which is the same Divine Essence as his – will blossom and become viable in every moment we choose to act accordingly. (see John 13:15-17 & John 12:47-48).


Second, note that it is equally true that we cannot ever come to the aforementioned realizations until we let all of the “masters”, teachers, gurus, &/or “spiritual leaders” in our lives depart – until we are free of their direct supervision &/or guidance – and are thereby free to make our own choices unshackled by subconscious hopes of receiving their approval &/or subconscious fears of reaping their reprimands. In essence we must set forth ourselves onto our own strange journey in order to reap the Good Fruits therefrom … Indeed, real Love is only purely reaped when it is purely effectuated, and it s only purely effectuated when it is effectuated despite great fear, great uncertainty, &/or great dis-ease – none of which can be truly known while sheltering under the protective wings of any spiritual icon or religious lordship.

As such it is true indeed that we must send these men & women away from us as soon as we have even partially comprehended what they are teaching – that we must then set forth alone and put their teachings courageously into motion before we can hope to truly understand them, much less fully reap what they have to offer.  For it is thereby and thereby alone that we come to realize that our own inner “Advocate” has known the same Truths all along — that we were actually never in need of a leader or a guru or a teacher; that we were only in need of the profound understanding that our conscience has been in possession of all the same Truth & all the same Wisdom as all the greatest men & women throughout history …


In essence, we must simply remember that we have been our own Master all along — and then commence acting accordingly.


Amen … Let it be so.