Matthew 7:1-2 … With the judgment you make (05/05/17)
“Do not judge so that you may not be judged. For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.” ~ Jesus (Matthew 7:1-2)
This is quite an important verse – probably more so in modern times than it was when Jesus presumably uttered it. For Jesus’ entire ministry hinged on what he called his “Gospel” (or “the Good News”) – a theology that stated A) that Heaven (or “the Kingdom of God”) was alive and well in every Here&Now (see Matthew 10:7) and B) that every sentient being could fully access the same by simply choosing to persistently, selflessly, and actively extend Love to those nearby (see Matthew 24:12-14).
And the reason why this particular passage plays a significant role in understanding this Truth is because it is impossible to extend that level of pure Love to others while we are judging who they are in any way – that we can only do so when we “humble ourselves as very young children” (Matthew 18:3-4); when we refuse to criticize their being or their beliefs – especially when our own sins & misgivings have yet to be corrected (John 8:7) …
And this is indeed why “all who exalt themselves will be humbled” (Matthew 23:12) – because to exalt one’s self (which is a prerequisite to judging another critically) automatically precludes us from wholeheartedly Loving them. And because this “perfect” Love was necessary to attain entrance into “the Kingdom of Heaven” (see Matthew 5:43-48, Matthew 7:21-24, Matthew 18:3-4, Matthew 24:12-14 et al), then the only remaining alternative for those engaging in such arrogance is to fall from that potential Grace.
P.S. Yes, John 7:24 does tell us that we are to condemn deeds that are causing harm to the innocent, and yet we are not to condemn the doers of those deeds while defending their would-be victims. After all, while it is impossible to Love a sinner while non-compassionately condemning his sin, it is also impossible to Love Life without having the courage to denounce the actions of others that are intentionally bringing on injustice &/or causing pain.