Luke 21:2-4 … To Give more than All (04/20/17)

“He also saw a poor widow put in two, small, copper coins. He said: Truly, I tell you, this woman has given more than all of them; for they have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has given all she had to live on.” ~ Jesus (Luke 21:2-4)


This passage brilliantly illustrates one of the primary principles of The Way of Christ – namely, that the more difficult a Gift is to Give, the more potent & worthy it is once Given … This Truth goes for monetary gifts like those mentioned here (2 “lepton” — the smallest coins in circulation at the time), and it goes for gifts of Forgiveness like those mentioned in Matthew 18:21-22 (i.e. “forgive 70 times 7 times” = forgive everyone endlessly & completely) and Gifts of Love like those mentioned in Matthew 5:43-48 & Luke 10:29-37 as well (i.e. “Love your enemies”).


In addition, note that the word for “treasury” found in Luke 21:1 refers to the 13 tithing containers utilized by the Temple to receive offerings, as well as a specific room in the Temple itself (probably where Jesus was preaching in John 8:20).  In both instances the Human Soul is alluded to – after all, “where your Treasure is, there your Heart will be also” (see Matthew 6:21 & Luke 12:34 – and also Jesus’ allusion to tithing with Love instead of money in Matthew 23:23 et al).


Note as well the relevant practical Truth here – namely, that Giving is fulfilled the moment the coins hit the coffer, irrespective of what the preacher does therewith thereafter.  That having been said, we do intuitively know who actually needs our Gifts and who doesn’t – and preachers invariably don’t need them.  In fact, gifts of money to “spiritual leaders” actually hampers their ability to share The Way with others, and thus does them no service (again, apply the wisdom of Matthew 23:23 here).  As such, it is far better for us to tithe to our communities instead – with things over money, time over things, and Love (our Selves) over time.


Amen … Let it be so.