Romans 8:28 … Working for Good (03/28/17)

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God; who are Called and who answer that Call – each according to their Purpose.” ~ Paul (Romans 8:28)


The last phrase here provides the Divine Context for this verse (though in all probability not the context that Paul originally intended) – for we are all Called to Care for others (not to worship Jesus and thereby attain salvation for self, as Paul was wont to errantly believe – see Mark 10:18, John5:41, John 7:16, John 8:50-54, John 12:44 et al) … Indeed, we can all enliven that Caring in ways unique to our station and our capabilities therein, and we all indeed answer that Call when we begin to do that Caring for others (see John 13:15-17 & Matthew 24:12-14 et al – noting that praying for others or worshipping devoutly or harboring good-intentions or even making verbal affirmations of hope or faith are not enough; action must be taken to Love the way of The Way).


And if we have both the humility to accept this Truth (Matthew 18:3-4) and the courage to put it into practice (Matthew 5:43-48 & Matthew 25:35-40 et al), then this becomes also the Way that we truly LOVE – and thereby devoutly worship – the heavenly Father of Christ (see Matthew 22:37-40).