Isaiah 32:8 … On planning Noble Things (03/12/17)

“Those who are noble plan noble things,
and by noble things they stand.”
~ unknown (Isaiah 32:8)


First & foremost, it is crucial to remember that true nobility is actually a verb – it is the raw actualization of selflessness both in our dealings with the circumstances that come to us and the others who inhabit the same.  As such, those who are truly Noble do not merely plan Noble things – they DO Noble things.  And this is indeed the reason why “by Noble things they stand” – because the resonance of those Noble Deeds prop up their present with real Power and infuse their imminent future with deep-seated Peace.


And this interpretation is not only supported by the Good Fruit it always bears when put into practice, but also by the ancient Hebrew of Isaiah as well – for the Hebrew word translated here as “noble” is actually “nadib” (Strong’s #5081); a word that doesn’t mean “moral” or “stalwart” or “ethical” or “decent”, but rather means “willingly generous.”