Thomas 1:24 … Within a person of Light (03/07/17)

“There is a Light within a person of Light
and It illuminates the whole world.”
~ Jesus (Gospel of Thomas 24)


Before I make a few comments on some of the deeper Meanings in this beautiful (and extremely insightful) verse, it is worthwhile to consider the very beginning passage from the Gospel of John – a passage which reads: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through it, and without it not one thing came into being. What has come into being in [the Word] was life, and the life was the Light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:1-5) … This passage is especially intriguing when we realize that the term “Word” used therein is the Greek term “Logos” (Strong’s #3056) – a word that essentially meant “the Divine Essence that animates all sentient life” to the educated folk of Jesus’ day.  It is also interesting to re-read the same passage replacing the words “the Word” with the word “Love” – seeing as how Jesus thought that God was indeed the actual perfect fulfillment thereof (see Matthew 5:48) …


On a more practical level, it is important for us all to repeatedly remember that there is always a beautiful Light within every sentient being – even those seemingly residing in Darkness, who harbor the very same Light in the very same quantity as those others we consider to be allies or friends or lovers or heroes.  Their Light cannot be seen by the inattentive because it is covered over in deeds of varying manifestations of greed &/or wickedness, and yet that same glorious Light is indeed within them as well – trapped and cold and yearning to breathe free … That is why it is up to those of us who are “in the Light” to actively & courageously Love those who are not – for the former are the only ones who can Love the unlovable; dismantling their prisons of fear & self-loathing and setting their inner Light free.


Finally, it is worthwhile to note that the Light that comes from such courageously Caring Deeds is bright to the same degree that it is difficult.  And because those who are truly “in the Light” can See the Light within those who are not, and because those who are truly “in the Light” have the liberation of others as their one true Mission, they are the ones who do indeed Care for the uncaring, and they are the ones who Give to the greedy, and they are the ones who Forgive the unforgivable – and thereby they are the ones who illuminate not only the objects of their self-sacrifice, but the rest of the entire world as well.


Amen … Let it be so for all.