John 10:30 … The ONEness we Are (12/25/16)

“The Father and I are ONE.” ~ Jesus (John 10:30)


Yes, Jesus was indeed referring to himself as a Divine Being in this verse, and yet not in the sense most commonly (and most conservatively) believed … For he was most certainly not equating himself with God (see Matthew 19:17, John 5:22, John 5:30, John 8:26-28, John 8:42, John 12:49, John 13:3, & John 14:28), and he was most certainly not implying that he had been Divine since his birth (see John 8:40, Acts 2:22, Acts 17:31, & 1 Timothy 2:5), and he was also most certainly not clamoring to be worshipped by his followers (see Mark 10:18, John 5:41, John 7:16, John 8:50-54, & John 12:44 et al) …
No, my Friends, as Jesus told his listeners elsewhere in the Scriptures with both regularity and vehemence (a la John 10:37-38, 14:20-26, & John 15:26), he was indeed reflecting the Essence of God in every moment he chose to “Love anyway” – a choice we can all make, and thus a Divine Reflection we can all choose to embody whenever we wish (see John 14:11-20 & Hebrews 4:15 et al).


Yes, Jesus was One with the Father during the vast majority of his selfless ministry, and it is just as possible for us to become similarly One with the heavenly Father as well – in every moment we choose to act accordingly (see John 13:15-17).


Amen … Let it be so.