Mark 5:36 … To only Believe (12/21/16)

“Do not fear; only Believe.” ~ Jesus (Mark 5:36)


It is once again crucial to remember that the word “Believe” for Jesus was a verb — that he wanted us not to mentally believe in him or even intellectually believe in his teachings, but rather to actively Believe (i.e. to emulate – or as he himself often said, to “follow”) his Way of Love … And hence his frequent call for us to abandon our fear, seeing as how fear & Love cannot co-exist – either in our current materially interactive plane (see Matthew 6:34, John 14:27 et al) or on the spiritually intra-active plane that accompanies it (see 1 John 4:18).

As such, the only way to follow The Way of Christ is first and foremost to set aside one’s fears – or, better stated, to be deathly afraid of Loving, and yet dismantle that fear by choosing to reach out and Love anyway.