1 Corinthians 1:25 … The foolishness of God (12/16/16)

“God’s foolishness is wiser than human knowledge, and God’s weakness is stronger than human might.” ~ Paul (1 Corinthians 1:25)


While Paul is quite obviously making a standard case for the over-arching superiority (indeed, the authoritarian omnipotence) of his external, “judge and jury from on high” god, there is a far deeper (and far more practical) interpretation of this verse available — if we choose to read it from Jesus’ point of view …

You see, Jesus had a far more intimate relationship with his “heavenly Father” – an all-Loving Essence that was more within than “above”; was more guide than regulator; was more friend than adjudicator; was more companion than overlord (see Mark 14:36 & John 14:20-26 et al) … And this internal God – of one and the same make as our own Soul – only wants the following two things:

          A) for us to remember that all is One, and

          B) for us to thereafter act accordingly.

And it is for this reason that this far greater God is indeed “wiser than human knowledge” (the latter of which would rather separate “friend” from “foe” and “devotee” from “heretic”).


In addition, this internal God knows quite well that selfless Kindness is the greatest Power in the Universe, and that as such it is willing vulnerability is our only effective Self-defense.  And it is for this reason first & foremost that this God is indeed “stronger than all human might” — the latter of which ever seeks to judge or confine or control or destroy, while the greater God of Christ only responds with Kindness & Freedom & Acceptance & Love.