Luke 21:19 … To regain our Souls (12/13/16)

“By your endurance, you will regain your Souls.”
~ Jesus (Luke 21:19)


First & foremost it is important to note that what many call the “Soul” is actually an innate facet of our conscious existence, and that as such it cannot ever be “missing” or “broken” or “damaged” or “stolen” … Yes, our own self-centeredness does create an intellectual “fog” or “haze” between our awareness of that Soul and the unchangeable reality thereof, and it is also true that our own selfish &/or fearful choices end up layering a thick “sludge” of emotional memories &/or smearing a thick “tarnish” of addictive behaviors upon the outer shell of that Soul — a “sludge” that keeps us from feeling the Soul’s ever-warm call to Love, and a “tarnish” that holds in that Soul’s radiance – a radiance that would otherwise be guiding others back to its glorious Light … And yet no matter how self-centered our defense mechanism might be, or how chronically selfish our actions might have become, our Soul remain just as large and just as radiant and just as perfect and just as pure within us as it was on the day of our conception – the day upon which we were first blessed to carry its pristine, internal glow.

As such, it is by our endurance in Loving others that we regain a pure connection to our Soul, not regain our Souls themselves.  For in every moment of perfect Love, the Soul is completely re-turned to us – cracking through the aforementioned “sludge” and burning through the afore-noted “tarnish” to give us a glimpse once more of the Child of God we have always been …


Of course, the ego quickly closes back around that breach during our next, inevitable slip into sin — which in turn allows us to choose self-sacrifice anew, and thereby choose anew to free the Soul therewith … And the more we make this selfless choice the more “sludge” is chipped away and the more “tarnish” is polished off, and thus the more smoothly and the more brightly our Soul re-shines the next time Love is chosen … So it is that the perfect brilliance that we completely free & fully enliven with every act of selfless Kindness glows a bit longer with each subsequent choosing.

And so it is that “by our endurance, we regain our Souls.”


Amen … Let it be so.