Matthew 18:21-22 … Seventy times Seven times (11/29/16)

“‘Lord, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?’ And Jesus said to him: ‘Not a mere seven times, but … seventy times seven times [shall you forgive].’” ~ Jesus (Matthew 18:21-22)


This passage has been traditionally interpreted to mean that we are to forgive others frequently (especially our friends), and that we are to do so primarily with our thoughts & our words.  Of course, as is so often the case, the traditional interpretation of the Scriptures leaves almost everything to be desired …

For Jesus is definitely not trying to inspire us to forgive in ways typical or comfortable or standard – neither here, nor anywhere else in the Gospels.  Indeed, nothing about Jesus’ teachings was ever anything less than a full-on demolition of the traditional approaches practiced and preached by the religious leaders of his day, and this passage in Matthew is no exception.


For starters, the phrase “seventy times seven” is found in only one other verse in the entire Bible – a verse in Genesis that speaks to the severe vengeance that would be unleashed on Lamech for his crimes, if not the severe condemnation that would be unleashed upon all those who similarly sinned (see Genesis 4:24) … And in typical fashion, Jesus not only alludes to this Old Testament verse, but he does so in a way that turns it completely on its head – telling us that we are not to condemn trespassers “seventy times seven times”, but that we are actually to forgive them to that same remarkably massive degree.

And yet even more significant here are the meanings intended with the mention of the numbers “seventy” and “seven” — for Jesus is most certainly not commanding us to forgive others exactly 490 times before condemning them anew thereafter.  No, he is telling us not only to forgive our friends & family, but for us to forgive everyone (see the “seventy” nations encompassing all of humanity in Genesis 10), and he is telling us not only to forgive them verbally or partially or conditionally, but to forgive them absolutely & unconditionally & completely — the symbolic meaning of the number “seven” recognized by religious leaders & biblical authors alike!


Amen … Let it be so.