1 John 2:6 … To abide in Him (11/28/16)

“Whoever says ‘I abide in Him’ must walk just as He walked.”
~ unknown (1 John 2:6)


And how did Jesus walk?  He walked humbly (Mark 10:18 + Matthew 23:12) – and he walked selflessly (Matthew 4:1-10 + John 6:15) – and he walked courageously (Luke 9:22 + Luke 24:7 + Matthew 5:40-44) – and he walked Lovingly (Matthew 25:35-40 + John 13:15-17) …

As such, if we are to lay any claim to worshiping him or revering him or honoring him or even worshiping him, we must do so with our actions more than our words – and we must do so with actions that mirror his own!

(Note: Whoever walks as Jesus walked cannot openly claim to abide in him!  Walking as Jesus walked means humbly living as Jesus lived – a humility that is mutually exclusive with the hubris required to publicly proclaim that one is doing the same.  In essence, the only thing that is certain is that those who are proclaiming that they are living his Way are the ones who are most certainly not doing so.)