James 2:18 … Showing the Faith (11/26/16)

“I, by my Works, will show you my Faith.”
~ James (James 2:18)


This verse reflects a Truth of which Jesus was also aware: namely, that real Faith by its very nature cannot be harbored within, but must be exuded without …

Indeed, quite contrary to popular religious belief, real Faith is not believing with any degree of certainty in things that cannot be seen or known (indeed, believing in such a constraining way actually limits the majesty of the Divine and evidences more doubt than Faith) … No, real Faith is a conscious & willing not-knowing; not knowing with any certainty that one’s beliefs are correct – not knowing with any certainty that Heaven awaits one’s Soul after death – not knowing with any certainty that one has chosen to worship the “true God” in the “right way” at all … Indeed, real Faith is definitively not knowing any of these things, and yet going forth and choosing to shower others boldly with the selfless Love of Christ anyway.

And ironically, when one does so – when one decides to Love others without any hope of heavenly reward or any expectation of divine intervention or any fear or consternation related to a possible damnation eternal – then these same purely Loving Deeds evidence, and indeed foster, the blossoming forth of real & viable Faith – along with the deep-seated Peace that always accompanies the same.