Romans 14:14 … Nothing unclean (11/15/16)

“Nothing is unclean in itself; but is only unclean
for anyone who thinks it so.” ~ Paul (Romans 14:14)


On the one hand, Paul is strengthening a common temptation in this verse – telling us all (quite incorrectly) that it is fully acceptable to receive with open arms whatever is offered us, regardless from where it comes and regardless of whatever dysfunction or suffering such a receiving might entrench.   Indeed, in this particular chapter of Romans, Paul quite clearly tells his followers to accept whomever comes their way, and to do so regardless of the particular morality behind the habits or beliefs or behaviors of those others …

Yes, it is indeed a Good Thing to not judge another person for who he or she is (Jesus agrees in Matthew 7:1-2, where he tells us quite clearly that we are to refrain from condemning or criticizing others for who they are), and yet we are most certainly not called to cast a conveniently blind eye upon the choices those others might make that clearly harm either the innocent or themselves (see John 7:24, where Jesus tells us that we are indeed to “discern with sound judgment” when examining the deeds of ourselves and others).  And it is in this latter regard that Paul errs greatly in this passage.

On the other hand, Paul is (albeit probably unwittingly) expressing a very deep Truth with this particular verse – namely, the Truth that everything is inherently sacred; and that it is only our flawed perceptions of people, places, things &/or events that says otherwise.


And interestingly enough, the only way to avoid the former temptation is the same way required to cleanse the latter perception – namely, by purposefully & consciously shifting the intentions of our actions’ from focusing on ourselves to centering upon the other; by purposefully & consciously choosing to move into each moment and flow with all that is present therein – and solely doing so in order to bring even the smallest measure of additional harmony to the same.