2 Corinthians 11:15 … Knowing our Ends (10/26/16)

“Their End will match their deeds.” ~ Paul (2 Corinthians 11:15)


This verse actually has a degree of importance inversely proportional to its length, for it reflects quite a few Truths of quite great magnitude …

Initially, it exposes Paul as a hypocrite – seeing as how he uses this verse (and the verses that immediately precede it) to condemn others for being false-prophets; all while he himself – a man who purported to champion the teachings of Jesus – was preaching a gospel that directly contradicted the Gospel of Christ (feel free to contrast 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 & Romans 10:9 with Mark 10:18, Matthew 10:7 & Matthew 24:12-14, et al).

Secondly, it is extremely ironic that Paul would warn others of their ends matching their deeds, when his own apparently brutal end matched his own relatively barbaric & highly judgmental teachings (it is indeed also often true that those who call out the sins of others are they themselves even more egregiously guilty of similar misdeeds).

Finally, and by far most importantly, this verse is accurately reflective of what I call “The Law of Rapid Karma” – namely, the Truth that all of our deeds are not only met with commensurate consequences on the material plane in the same lifetime they are committed (with our “wickedly” selfish deeds reaping commensurate experiences of painful discord, and our “saintly” selfless acts gleaning commensurate experiences of peaceful Joy), but that those same deeds reap commensurate psycho-spiritual consequences while they are being committed as well (with our “wickedly” selfish deeds birthing immediate feelings of shame &/or fear &/or sadness, and our “saintly” selfless deeds engendering concurrent feelings of Self-assuredness, profound Peace & deep-seated Joy).