1 Corinthians 10:13 … In Him no Darkness (09/29/16)

“God is Light and in Him there is no darkness …”
~ Paul (1 Corinthians 10:13)


It is tempting for many to claim or believe that life’s trials & turmoils are signs of God testing our resolve — or even God punishing our transgressions, and yet this simply cannot be the case; at least not with any God composed of “perfect Love” (see Matthew 5:48 + 1 John 4:18), and certainly not with any God worth worshiping …

Indeed, in a Cosmos ruled by a God of perfect Love, He (or She – or It) cannot tempt us or test us or punish us at all, for to do so would be inherently cruel.  As such, if we do indeed live in such a Universe that is indeed “ruled” by such an all-amorous Deity, it is we ourselves who either summon our own suffering (as consequences for our previously sinful actions) &/or are blessed with the emPowerment inherent in all difficulties (challenges that always allow us to choose to transcend the same — by acting selflessly despite their temptations to do otherwise).