Gratitude 04 … Children

Today I am grateful for children — both the joy they bring as well as the lessons they teach.  It has been said that children laugh on average 400+ times per day, and regardless of whether or not this is true, it does seem impossible for me to be in the presence of a child without at least smiling myself.

It is also children who remind me to see all things “normal” as wondrous — to truly appreciate the miracle that is a butterfly, or a rain cloud, or consciousness, or friendship … or even a good (albeit sometimes indecipherable) joke.

It is children who remind me to truly Be in this moment (the only moment we truly have) — to express my emotions fully and then let them go completely, to pay attention to what I am doing and only to what I am doing, to attend to what is actually happening as opposed to preparing for what might someday occur.

It is children who remind me of the pricelessness of my relationships with others — to cherish each and every friend with whom I am blessed to share space, to greet each person I meet as though it is a reunion with a long-lost Soul-mate, and to say farewell at each parting as though I will never see that person again.

It is children who remind me the amazing worth of not taking life so seriously — to dance in the rain, to sing in the car (with the window down), to laugh (albeit internally) in the face of criticism and to be resilient (albeit with compassion) when faced with tragedy.

And perhaps most importantly, it is children who provide both the clearest look at how we have strayed from our Path, while simultaneously providing us with the light that leads us back Home …

And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!