2 Corinthians 4:7 … The Treasure within (09/08/16)

“We have this Treasure in clay jars, so that it might be made clear that this extraordinary Power comes from God and does not belong to us.” ~ Paul (2 Corinthians 4:7)


Having read all of Paul’s biblical epistles many dozens of times, there is indeed a very good possibility that he meant exactly what this verse says on its face – namely, that he believes humans are innately & irrevocably sin-full; and that we require the “Will of God” to provide the impetus for us to do whatever Good we happen to do …

Of course, anyone who has deeply studied the teachings of the Scriptures knows that Jesus Christ believed exactly the opposite – namely, that we are all innately perfect Children of God (Matthew 5:48 + John 10:34 et al) — that we have all already been given the “extraordinary Power” that Paul mentions in this verse; that though we are indeed not much more than “clay jars”, we are clay jars that were filled with the Light & Love of the Divine from the first moment of our birth; and all that remains is for us to reawaken the same by acting accordingly, especially in those moments when we incorrectly believe — as Paul so avidly (and so errantly) asserts – that we are anything less than this same latent Greatness.