Luke 4:21 … Full-filling the Scriptures (08/26/16)

“Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your Hearing.” ~ Luke (Luke 4:21)


This verse specifically refers to sections of the book of Isaiah (Isaiah 61:1, Isaiah 58:6 & Isaiah 61:2); sections cited in the only time the Bible shows Jesus reading Scripture publicly; sections quoted by Jesus in the synagogue to announce a deeper Truth: namely, that those who would have the courage to emulate (i.e. “Hear”) the radically pure Way of Love he was living, would indeed rediscover the profound Peace of true Freedom — the intellectual Freedom from all confusion & doubt, the emotional Freedom from all fear & worry, and the spiritual Freedom from all selfishness & superficiality – a Freedom that transcended all earthly suffering – a Freedom he called “the Kingdom of God” (see Luke 17:20-21 et al).