Genesis 1:3 … Letting in the Light (08/23/16)

“Then God said ‘Let there Be Light.’” ~ unknown (Genesis 1:3)


This verse runs much deeper than one might expect. Yes, it reflects the Truth that everything in the Universe is indeed composed of light; alongside the Truth that everything is essentially a facet of one single Cosmos. Of course, as with any other verse in any other sacred text, it also reflects a socially interactive Truth — in this case a Truth related to the dangers of mixing pride with desire, as it was actually the Elohim (the plural Hebrew word for “gods” in Genesis – often referring to “fallen angels” in the Old Testament, not to God Himself) were the ones who separated the light from the All for their own whim and profit; creating darkness in the process.

How intriguing that something very similar happens to each of us every time we do anything solely for personal benefit, instead of reaching out to be Kind to a stranger or Care for a friend or Forgive an enemy.