Matthew 22:39 … Knowing your Neighbors (08/06/16)

“And the second [of my commandments] is just like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 22:39)

Most folks already know that Jesus admonished us all to “Love our neighbors” – and yet what most folks don’t know is that Jesus defined “neighbor” only once in the entire Bible; and that when he did so, he defined our “neighbor” as our “enemy” (see Luke 10:29-37); the ones who are most marginalized in society; the ones who are treated as outcasts; the ones who are being ostracized &/or abused; the ones who are most mean, most dishonest, most manipulative, &/or most annoying; quite simply the ones who the majority of us least wish to Love.

Please consider this great Truth with Humility …
& then please enliven it with Courage.