Matthew 18:3-4 … To become again as a Child (08/04/16)

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become again like toddlers*, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Indeed, whoever becomes humble like this very young child* will even now become the greatest in the Kingdom.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 18:3-4)



*NOTE that the author of Matthew does not have Jesus admonishing us to become like adolescents or school-age children or even kindergarteners in this passage, but rather uses the Greek “paidion” (Strong’s #3813) — a term that means “infant” or “toddler” or “very young child”; the time in life when wonderment is ever in view and Love is ever given without condition.

“Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never harms.” ~ Charles Dickens