Reconciling the Religions (actualized Love) … (09/10/09)

Activity:  Read each the following verses aloud to yourself in succession:

Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

~ from the Hebrew Bible, the basis of Judaism

Love your enemies, Do Good to those who hate you …”

~ from the New Testament, the basis of Christianity

And let not your ill-will towards another keep you from acting with Kindness.”

~ from the Koran, the basis of Islam

Better than 1000 useless words is the single word that gives another Peace.”

~ from the Dhammapada, the basis of Buddhism

Every selfless act is born from God. He is present in every act of Service.”

~ from the Bhagavad Gita, the basis of Hinduism

If a person seems wicked, respond to his injury with Kindness.”

~ from the Tao Te Ching, the basis of Taoism

Part 2: Now read the following quotes to yourself in silence.

Show your Love in everything you Do.” ~ Mother Teresa, Christian Saint

Those with Open Hearts always have Open Hands.” ~ J. Rumi, Islamic Saint

My religion is Kindness.” ~ The Dalai Lama, Buddhist Saint

There is no way to Peace … Peace is the Way.” ~ Gandhi, Hindu Saint

Part 3: Regardless of your own religion, go act peace-fully towards a member of another – today!