the 4 characteristics of Love … (12/30/10)

Thich Nhat Hanh lists four primary characteristics of pure LOVE: Kindness, Compassion, Detachment & Joy … When LOVE is truly present, all four of these virtues are felt in abundance as well.  Likewise, when any of these principles is fully actualized, LOVE blooms into being.

And yet, for most westerners at least, these concepts do not necessarily reflect what we have been taught about them —

Kindness is not merely “being nice”. Nor is it present when we try to “do what’s best” for another. Rather, divine Kindness is found in any act that reasonably intends to bring another either less suffering or enhanced happiness/peace.

Compassion is not present when we have pity for another’s “tragedy”, exude sympathy for their “dilemmas”, or try to “save them” from their dis-ease. Rather, divine Compassion is found when we choose to empathize with another’s pain while simultaneously affirming their own innate ability to transcend the same. We may offer to help them, but are aware that we are actually only offering to help them help themselves.

Detachment is not a state of being where you no longer Care. True, divine Detachment does not care about what another does or thinks or believes. And it is also true that this perfect Detachment does not “take care of” anyone. And yet, even while separating you from the effects of your actions, Detachment means that you intimately and courageously Care for the other while doing so.

Joy is not related to the experience of physical pleasure or comfort. It also does not have anything to do with making life, others or yourself “better”. Rather, divine Joy is experienced when we choose to exude gratitude for our lives in the Here&Now.

10 12:30 four traits of LOVE