How to find real Love …(03/02/09)

As much as we’d like to believe to the contrary, Life is about change and what we choose to do with change.

And as much as we’d like to experience it differently, Love is about Giving and so rarely about receiving — and we are bombarded by these two Truths until we either Accept and revel in them, or die trying to change them (without success, I might add).
You are (as am I) currently steeped in a gloriously challenging window of opportunity:  the opportunity to either run from Love’s challenge in your relationships or face that challenge with courage …

Will you hide from Love if it has hurt you, or will you shrug off your self-centeredness and stride forth to Do Good anyway — to keep Loving anyway?

Every other human on the planet is repeatedly presented with opportunities to Love unconditionally; to experience firsthand the Bliss of selflessness.  Of course, very few seem to engage these opportunities; choosing instead to focus on “what’s best for them” or “becoming wealthy” or “being comfortable” or “having fun” …
And yet you possess the Courage to Love openly — to leave the old definition of Love behind and embrace a much deeper Peace; the Peace that comes from treating others as blessings of service; the Peace that comes from knowing others as member of your Family.
One thing seems “for sure”:  if you persist in Loving, especially in your times of pain and loneliness and fear, you are guaranteed to be Graced by Big Love again in your Life — It may not come in the form you expect, but come to You it will.  Indeed, it has no choice, and will be drawn to you as though you were its magnet.  Physics and psychology both mandate that “like attracts like” …

So keep on Loving … if you dare.