The Math of Meat … (06/29/17)

The math of meat is pretty simple, really — Killing some animals to eat their flesh + loving other animals as heartfelt companions = inevitably treating fellow humans the same way; loving the people we find to be “cute” or “nice” or otherwise sympathetic, while shunning or ridiculing or even killing the rest.

Labeling certain species of animals as “sacred” and the eating of their flesh as “disgusting” (e.g. dogs & dolphins in the States, cows in India) while judging the murder of their equally sentient cousins as “normal” and labeling the taste of their dismembered flesh as “delicious” is hypocrisy — plain & simple.

And just as hypocrisy in one area of life will always bleed into other areas, the violence we allow in our relationships with “inferior” animals will always eventually find its way into our relationships with the humans we judge to be “odd” or “dangerous” or “ugly” as well.

Essentially, eating the flesh of some animals while cherishing the lives of others is a broad road that always leads to shame, aggression, violence, and war.

Please choose moral consistency instead, my Friends … Please choose Peace & Justice for ALL … Choose vegan … Thank you.


“Human beings use large numbers of animals for the supposed food value of their meat proteins. And yet the effects of these proteins can undoubtedly be seen in aggression, violence, hatred, and moral insensitivity. We can therefore safely say that meat has a highly negative effect on human behavior. ” ~ Armando D’Elia (naturalist & chemist)