An Ode to YULIN … (05/31/17)

Once again, the Yulin Dog Meat Festival is underway in China, and once again quite a few folks are up in arms about the barbarically cruel way the dogs there are confined, abused, killed, and eaten … Well, to all those folks getting (understandably) bent out of shape over this admittedly disturbing affair, there are a few important things you might want to consider:

01) It’s a valid “personal choice” for others to eat dogs.

02) The dogs at Yulin were mostly bred to be eaten; being killed and eaten is indeed “their purpose.”

03) If it wasn’t for the dog-meat industry in China, the Yulin victims wouldn’t have gotten to live at all.

04) If God didn’t want us to eat dogs, he wouldn’t have “made them out of meat.”

05) Before you tell the people in China not to eat dogs you better go to Africa & tell the lions there to not to eat dogs.

06) The people of Yulin are simply looking for a convenient source of “complete protein.”

07) Humans have eaten dogs since we were cavemen, in fact that is “how our brains evolved” in the first place and how we got our “massive canines.”

08) Eating dogs is all part of “the circle of life” — where we humans reside at the “top of the food chain.”

09) The dogs eaten at Yulin are “already dead” when they are consumed, and thus the people eating them are in no way responsible for the deaths.

And here are a few other points to consider:

11) If the people of Yulin didn’t eat dogs, then dogs would become overpopulated and “take over the country.”

12) The people at the Yulin festival “don’t eat much dog meat”, and many of them almost certainly are trying to steadily cut down and “eat less & less.” In fact, they probably wish you would acknowledge their efforts and compliment them on their moral “baby steps.”

13) Many Chinese tried to stop eating dogs in the past but they got anemic and their doctors told them they need to eat more dogs.

14) Dog meat simply “tastes great” & as such you need to “stop forcing your opinions” and lathering your “subjective morality” onto others.

15) You’re “wasting your time” complaining about Yulin — seeing as how you are never going to stop everyone in China from eating dogs — so you might as well stop speaking up about it at all.

16) People don’t want to log on to social media and be saddened by your Yulin posts, so you should stop commenting about it altogether before they “get offended” &/or unfriend you.

And here are two final points of consideration:

17) When it comes to the ability to feel pain, know terror, and suffer when confined, abused, mutilated & murdered, there is ZERO DIFFERENCE between a dog & a pig & a cow & a chicken & a fish & a sheep & a turkey.

18) As such, if you are (correctly) opposed to murdering & eating dogs but yourself still consume other animals then you are a Grade-A HYPOCRITE — period!

Please stop being a hypocrite … Please show Compassion to ALL animals … Please Go vegan … Thank you.

Peace to ALL … S

(all credit due to Matt Stellino)

P.S. By the way …

“You are not my enemy, and it´s not completely your fault. You have simply been indoctrinated; brainwashed into believing that eating animals is biologically natural and morally acceptable — when in fact, it is neither.” ~ inspired by Steen Skouenborg