Switching the Soul back ON … (05/21/17)
“Anyone who doesn’t believe that animals are aware — that they have family and friends, and that they deeply care about them — must also be a paid-up member of the Flat Earth Society, or still think the Sun revolves around the Earth … I mean, how switched off can you be? How can anyone still believe animals don’t have emotions — that they don’t experience love and fear and longing and joy? Animals are alive and they are sentient, and emotions are a fundamental response to such a self-aware life. Indeed, I’ve seen warthogs that are far more intelligent and far more responsible than many people I know; not to say better parents as well … So if you are one of those people who sincerely think that animals are just numbly shuffling through their lives waiting passively to become your next meal; if you are one of those people who actually believe that animals don’t care about their children or their friends or their own lives, then it’s time YOU stopped being so numb and shuffling. It’s time YOU switched your Soul back on and started feeling YOUR life … In essence, it’s time you went vegan.” ~ via Lawrence Anthony
“Close to death, men share the same fear as the cow. Sharing that fear makes them equal, sharing the pain and the fear of death makes them equal … What is not equal is that one of them is a murder victim, and the other is a fool.” ~ Frank Davidson