Take your pick … (05/10/17)
I will not ever go so far as to say that hunters themselves are innately cowardly, cold-hearted, and cretinous … Hunters are Good People at heart just like the rest of us. they were born knowing that causing unnecessary harm to the innocent is wrong, and they still know this Truth (deep down) to this day.
What I WILL say is that whenever hunters go hunting, the become compassionless cowards; morphing into a brutally barbaric manifestation of human that has long since lost its necessity or justification.
My dear hunter Friends (at least those of you who have access to the technology necessary to read this post), you do NOT need to hunt to survive, you are NOT saving money or time by doing so, and you are NOT being true to your True Self whenever you kill your victims… Instead, you are stooping to your very lowest levels of being — needlessly harming defenseless animals, needlessly harming the environment, and needlessly harming yourselves.
Please stop doing so … Thank you.