Respecting Motherhood … (03/21/17)

“For our nonhuman kin, motherhood is the very backbone of nonveganism, for without motherhood, the countless billions whom we bring into the world every year for the sole purpose of using and slaughtering them, would never exist … They would never exist — and they would thus never be confined to horrific, short lives of brutal suffering

Their motherhood is not the same as the motherhood that we celebrate with misty eyes and gratitude. It is a motherhood forced upon the innocent by our repeated violation of their helpless bodies. It is a travesty of motherhood based upon our contemptuous manipulation of their reproductive systems. It is a mockery of motherhood that utterly depends upon inflicting the separation and anguish that we ourselves hope never to experience.

Despite our elaborate pretenses to the contrary, our every nonvegan purchase perpetuates nightmares beyond the very worst we can imagine. Every use we make of the bodies and the lives of individuals of other species – whatever their species – is a deliberate choice to harm them and cause them enormous pain.

On the day that we finally let the truth shine onto the hidden horrors that are being done in our name, we can decide to stop being part of it. To make that decision is to become vegan. Respect motherhood … Be vegan … Thank you.”

~ inspired by There’s an Elephant in the Room

17 04.22