Good People at Heart … (02/19/17)

If I hear one more person try and explain to me that they are excused from supporting the enslavement, the repeated rape, the mutilation, and the murder of animals because the aforementioned in their case were all done “humanely” … (sigh) … But of course I am going to hear such silliness from you folks, and I’m going to hear it for a very good reason — because you are all very Good People at heart, and you all already know the painfully simple Truth that causing others to suffer and die unnecessarily for your own personal pleasure or convenience is flat-out wrong. You wouldn’t dream of doing any of those things to a dog or a cat or a horse, so you already know that it is just as repugnant to do them to a chicken or a pig or a cow.


And so you make excuses for the same to try and make yourselves feel better … The only problem being: your actions are CRUEL and your excuses are lame — and YOU KNOW IT!


So stop making excuses for animal cruelty, my Friends.
Please align your actions with your morals …
Please Go Vegan … Thank you.

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