Checking our Lists: Naughty or Nice … (02/12/17)

“Most people agree that it’s wrong to hurt animals. Most people are outraged, upset and angry to hear of animals being harmed – particularly when it is clear that the harm is completely pointless and unnecessary.  However the reality is that although they may not realize it, most people have to check on the species of the animal before they decide whether it’s wrong to hurt, harm, or kill them pointlessly and unnecessarily … When we have to check on the species of an individual before we decide whether it’s okay to hurt them – that’s a type of bigotry; a type of discrimination called ‘speciesism’ … Each of us has two mental lists — on one is a list of species we wouldn’t hurt (for most of us containing dogs, cats and other companion animals), while on the other list are all the species we don’t care about hurting — and for people who are not yet vegan, that’s unfortunately a very long list indeed.

Becoming vegan means making sure that every member of every species is on the list of animals we refuse to harm or hurt.

Please check your lists … and please Be Vegan.” ~ inspired by There’s an Elephant in the Room

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