Into the Looking Glass … (02/03/17)

Hypocrisy (noun) — the practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not consistently hold, possess or enliven — some examples of which being: non-vegans who claim to be “compassionate people”, non-vegans who claim to “Love animals”, and non-vegans who profess extreme upset over other forms of animal cruelty. like dog fighting, dolphin slaughter, or trophy hunting.


Hypocrisy can be found in varying degrees in almost all humans, and hypocrisy in & of itself is not so bad in most cases.  And yet when the actualization of a person’s hypocrisy involves very real victims, then that hypocrisy serves to perpetuate unnecessary suffering — and thus becomes a very real problem indeed.


So, my dear non-vegan Friends, seeing as how you are compassionate people, and seeing as how you do love animals, and seeing as how it is correct that you are upset over the less acceptable form of animal cruelty, PLEASE stop being hypocrites.


Please align your actions with your values …
Please Go Vegan … Thank you.

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