The darkest side of the Light … (05/16/2016)

“The darkest side of human nature is our „us versus them‟ instinct. It is a form of selective sociopathy in which we place our family and close friends in a hierarchy above others. It’s not the feelings that are „bad‟ — of course it’s great to love our families, but we also need to explode that loving shit outward to the downtrodden, to the broken-hearted, and even to the fucking enemy … And as if this hierarchy wasn’t bad enough, our reflexive innate desire is to “outgroup‟ people and animals who we arbitrarily deem to be different than us. History and social studies have proven time and time again that people are easily and naturally capable of being quite cruel to any being we perceive as the OTHER.


Well, the good news is that there is a cure to such cognitive dissonance. It starts with the mind and is carried through by the „Heart‟ … The moment you embrace the objective truth that no-one is inherently better than any other or any more worthy of life, this is your first true chance at freedom beyond instinctive bondage. Once this Truth is realized, you can awaken your humility and rediscover your true Human Potential … Indeed, the potential Happiness of the entire world depends on it. So choose your intentions wisely, my Friends.” (~ inspired by Scotty Mühlleib)

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LOVE regardless of race …

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LOVE regardless of gender or species …

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Amen … Let it be so.