How can we tame the ego? … (04/28/09)
As far as mitigating the influence of the ego is concerned, I have found several exercises to be help-full:
Gazing caringly into one’s own eyes in a mirror to exude a re-cognition of and a renewed Gratitude for one’s True Self is great. Eliminating watching and/or reading the “news” for an extended time period, behaving unconventionally in public, and/or scrambling one’s routines are also effective …
Of course, it is ultimately useless to release the ego’s fears without simultaneously replacing them with Love. Otherwise, the ego simply finds other, more insidiously clever ways to fill your time with either self-centeredness or fresh fears (“concerns”) …
As such, the only sound advice I can give anyone with regards to “taking back their life” in this manner is to actively Live that life, and the only Way I have found to effectively do that is to actively Care for others. Remember — the more selfless the caring, the greater the benefit (both for others as well as for yourself), and the more difficult the caring (e.g. being Kind to those you dislike), the more Power-full it will Be — and the more “tame” your ego will become.