Some specific contrasts — Chapter 03

*Revelation 3:2 intimates that Jesus will judge us if our works are not “perfect in the sight of my God”, while the Jesus of the Gospels asks rather that our Love become “as perfect as the Father.” (see Matthew 5:48 + Luke 6:45)


*Revelation 3:5 has Jesus claiming to erase the unworthy from the Book of Life, while the Jesus of the Gospels made it repeatedly clear that he condemns no one, and indeed would call everyone to him when he was “lifted up.” (see John 12:47 + John 12:32 et al)


*Revelation 3:7, Revelation 5:5, & Revelation 22:16 all show Jesus claiming to be “the root and the descendant of David”, when the Jesus in the Gospels made it repeatedly clear that he was not the Davidian Messiah mentioned in Daniel 7:13.  (see Matthew 22:41-46 & John7:42 juxtaposed with Matthew 2:23, et al)


*Revelation 3:20 shows Jesus “standing at the door, knocking”, while the Jesus of the Gospels made it plain that him knocking wasn’t required at all, because “for all those who knock, the door will be opened.” (see Matthew 7:7-8 et al)