Consideration #03) Contrasting Jesus & “Jesus”

Thirdly, the contrast between the Jesus mentioned in Revelation and the Jesus found in the Gospels can be seen in the dramatically different way they are portrayed in the Bible … Consider that —


*… the “Jesus” of Revelation announces seven “Beatitudes of Death” (see verses 1:3, 14:13, 16:15, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7 & 22:14), while the Jesus of the Gospels gives us nine Beatitudes of Love (see Matthew 5:3-11) …
*… the “Jesus” of Revelation is frequently seen as a destroyer (especially in chapter 8 & chapter 9), while the Jesus of the Gospels consistently refuses to destroy (see Luke 9:51-55, John 3:16-20, John 12:47 et al) …


*… the “Jesus” of Revelation is a condemner of Souls (see Revelation 21:8 et al), while the Jesus of the Gospels repeatedly refuses to condemn them (see John 3:17, John 12:47, Matthew 8:11 & Luke 6:35-36 et al).


*Also, feel free to note that Revelation’s version of Paradise – the “New Jerusalem” – arrives in a flash of magnanimous splendor at some point in the future, while Jesus makes it very clear in the Gospels that his “Kingdom of Heaven” is humble & ordinary (see Matthew 13:31-32 et al) and that it has actually already arrived; that it is already “within and all around us” in every moment of our lives (see Luke 17:20-21 & Matthew 6:25-34, along with the vast majority of Jesus’ parables – all of which speak to a present-moment Salvation available to all who choose to actively & selflessly care for others).


*It is also interesting to note that the book of Revelation provides us with a multitude of visions never before seen in the Bible, even after the Jesus of the Gospels has made it quite clear that there would be no new revelations from him after his death (“I have already told you everything.” ~ Jesus in Mark 13:21-23).


*And finally, we see the “Jesus” of Revelation receiving extreme forms of glory & subservient worship, while the Jesus of the Gospels repeatedly rejected all such honors & all such adorations (see Mark 10:18, John 5:41, 6:15, 7:16 & 12:44 et al).


And yet if the aforementioned flagrant contrasts between the “Jesus” of Revelation and the Jesus Christ found in the Gospels aren’t enough to open your mind, feel free to examine & consider the following collection of specific examples as well …