4th Fruit: God’s Will is Kind

God’s Will is always Kind (reflected in column #4 in the example-charts on pages 70-72), and real Kindness cannot exist without choosing to be Kind.  Truth does not only serve to free our lives from the prison of ignorance, it also liberates us from behaviors that shackle the free will necessary to choose real Kindness (remember:  “The Truth will make You Free.” ~ Jesus in John 8:32) … In essence, any act done out of obligation cannot be simultaneously done out of Love, and thus cannot reflect God’s Will for your life.  This is not to say that you should ignore all current promises and obligations.  Indeed, we should always choose to honor the commitments we make to others.  And yet, any action that is based in duty, obligation, responsibility, commitment &/or a conforming to societal expectations (i.e. what is “acceptable” or “normal”) cannot simultaneously be in harmony with your Life Mission (“I preferred to do nothing without your consent, that your Good Deed might be voluntary and not something forced.” ~ Philemon 1:14 & “Though I am Free with respect to everyone, I have made myself a servant of all …” ~ 1 Corinthians 9:19) …


In addition, when we are free, we inherently open ourSelves to being grateful for our lives as they already are (“Rejoice always and pray without ceasing; Give thanks in all circumstances – for this is the Will of God.” ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) … The miracle that is our conscious, human life is more than enough for anyone to be thankful.  For the truly Kind person, the man or woman who is free to choose this pure Gratitude, the critical question in any moment becomes not “How is Life treating me?”, but rather “How am I treating Life?” (“I had heard of [God] by the hearing of my ear, but now my eye Sees [Him]” ~ Job 42:5) … Indeed, in such moments we awaken to the truth that life is always treating us well, and that Contentment becomes tangible for us when we begin to actualize our innate abundance via a professed thankfulness for what we already have – as opposed to wishing for what we do not (“Already you have all you desire.  Already you are Wealthy.” ~ 1 Corinthians 4:8) …


For those interested in experiencing such raw Kindness, the following are some “express lanes to Salvation” – actions that efficiently allow anyone selflessly engaging them to experience God’s Will firsthand:


°Be Kind to “strangers” you encounter by making eye contact, smiling, complimenting them &/or offering them assistance … (“Remember to show hospitality to all strangers, for some have thereby entertained angels unawares” ~ Hebrews 13:2)


°Be Kind to the elderly in your neighborhood by visiting retirement homes and listening to those who live there … (“Let your gentleness be known to everyone.” ~ Philippians 4:5 )


°Be Kind to the downtrodden in your community (i.e. the poor, the homeless, the ill, and the imprisoned) by visiting shelters, hospitals &/or prisons to listen and to care for those residing there … (“For I was hungry and you gave me food … I was ill and you Cared for me, I was in prison and you visited me … Just as you Do these things for the least of my brothers, so also you Do them for me.” ~ Jesus in Matthew 25:35-36+40)


°Be Kind to all children in your life by getting involved with local youth leagues, volunteering for a Big Brother/Big Sister program, or spending regular Quality-Time with your own kids … (“Whosoever welcomes one child in my name welcomes me.” ~ Jesus in Matthew 18:5)


°Be Kind to the animals by going to your local animal shelter and being loving to those animals next in line for euthanasia …(“Holy is the Lord of Hosts.  Everything on the earth is full of His Glory.” ~ Isaiah 6:3 & “In His hand is the Life of every living thing …” ~ Job 12:10 & “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s Sight.” ~ Jesus in Luke 12:6)
