3rd Fruit — Clarifications …

Clarifications:  Initially, real Generosity is not to be confused with “charity” or mere “tithing.”  True divine Giving is intimate; something that the mere donation of money cannot ever engender (“So give for alms those things that are within you; and see, everything will be made clean for you.” ~ Jesus in Luke 11:41) … As such, it is wise to refrain from merely “giving” of things and instead give of our time (“From everyone to who much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.” ~ Jesus in Luke 12:48), our service (“Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the Law of Christ.” ~ Galatians 6:2), and our Selves (“Each [person] has a particular Gift from God, one having one kind and another, a different kind.” ~ 1 Corinthians 7:7 & “We have Gifts that differ according to the Grace given us [at birth].” ~ Romans 12:8) …

Project Homeless Connect 2009

The most power-full way to do anything meaning-fully is to do it anonymously and to do it “for free” (“So whenever you Give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do so that they may be praised by others … But when you Give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is Doing.” ~ Jesus in Matthew 6:2-3) … Simply stated, God’s Will (i.e. your Life-Purpose) is found wherever your most power-full giving meets your environment’s most pressing needs …


Likewise, divine Generosity does not always mean “help” or even “assistance.”  Yes, true giving must be done with the sincere belief that the receiving party’s personal way will be enhanced by the giving act (“Woe to the world because of stumbling blocks.  Occasions for stumbling are bound to come, but woe to the one by whom the stumbling block comes.” ~ Jesus in Matthew 18:7), and yet whether or not Peace actually ensues is essentially irrelevant.  Though the outcome means nothing, the intention of the giver must be pure – and means everything.  As an example, you can “help” another commit suicide, and yet this is clearly not a service to them (“When you come together, [Know that every person] has a hymn or a Lesson or a revelation or an interpretation.  Let all things be Done for building up.” ~ 1 Corinthians 14:26).  Similarly, it is arrogant to “know” what is best for another – just as it is ultimately counterproductive to attempt to “rescue” them (“Get behind me, Satan!  You are a stumbling block to me, for you are setting your mind not on Divine things but on human things.” ~ Jesus in Matthew 16:23).  Instead, we are simply to be generous towards others without any hopes or expectations whatsoever  (“I do not condemn anyone who hears my word and yet does not keep them; for I came not to condemn the world, but to offer it Salvation.” ~ Jesus in John 12:47)…


Finally, true Giving need not be an action that is “large” or “powerful” or “great” or even “effective.”  When your intentions are selfless, the “smallest” of actions have the most Power-full results (“This poor widow has put in more than all of them, for they have contributed from their abundance, while she out of her poverty has Given all she had.” ~ Jesus in Luke 21:3-4) … Living in a society that encourages us to fear one another and in bodies that are constantly worrying whether a stranger is “friend or foe”, it is indeed power-full Right Action to simply be generous of your Self – to simply give courageously of your Love (“There is no fear in Love, but rather prefect Love casts out fear …” ~ 1 John 4:18) …

It is helpful to remember (and then thereafter to re-Member) that we are all brothers and sisters of one another; that all man-made nationalities and categories and creeds and titles (including “enemy” and “friend”) are not of God (“There is one body and one Spirit … one God and one Father of all; Who is above all and through all and within all.” ~ Ephesians 4:4-6) – and then it is important for us all to go forth and act accordingly …
