Truth 2: The Pre-planning …

*Truth #02:  JESUS PRE-PLANNED HIS CRUCIFIXION … If we have the humility to read it with an open mind, the New Testament clearly shows that Jesus planned his crucifixion himself (see John 13:1-3, John 18:31-32, et al).  Note that he is seen reconnoitering Jerusalem on several occasions (see Mark 11:11, Luke 9:52, 10:1, 19:5 & John 7:10), and note as well the blatant evidence that he had pre-arranged obtaining the donkey upon which he rode to enter Jerusalem (see Matthew 21:1-6, Mark 11:1-6 & Luke 19:29-32), and that he had pre-arranged for a man carrying a water jar (traditionally a woman’s job) to lead his disciples to the obviously pre-arranged “Upper Room” (Matthew 26:18, Mark 14:12-16 & Luke 22:10-13) where they later ate the Last Supper.





In addition, the destruction of the money-changing tables (see Matthew 21:12, Mark 11:15-18, Luke 19:45-46 & John 2:14-16  – which was a bold & flagrant attention-getting response to the priests’ attempts to quietly dispose of him in Matthew 26:3-5, Mark 14:1-2, Luke 19:47-48, 22:2, John 5:18, 7:1 & 7:11) was immediately followed by Jesus hastily fleeing the city (see Matthew 21:17, Mark 11:19 & Luke 21:37).


Finally, while the crowd’s cries of “Hosanna” (Hebrew for “save us”) during Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem were possibly calls of adoration for him and his rebellious efforts, it is much more likely that they were being shouted as part of the traditional celebrations surrounding the Festival of the Booths that was in full swing at that time.  Either way, there is little doubt that Jesus knew of this event and that he purposefully chose precisely this day to make his “triumphant entry” — for the obvious dramatic effect it provided (see Matthew 21:8-9, Mark 11:7-10, Luke 19:35-38 & John 12:12-13).
