On mattering morally … (08/11/16)

“I was wondering — do you think animals matter morally? That is to say, do you think we should care about animals AT ALL?

If so, then the LEAST we can do is honor their fundamental right to live their lives free from abuse, and not as a commodified resource or the property of others. As soon as we decide we should be concerned about animals in some way, the very smallest amount we can do is to not exploit them.

Does this mean they should have the right to vote or drive a car? Of course not! That would be a provision of additional rights, and it makes no sense to provide those. What DOES makes sense if you believe that animals matter AT ALL (which I’m confident you do) is to provide them the very minimum of rights — which is the right to not be used as a mere resource by us.

Chances are you agree with me that we should have a concern for animals. If that’s the case, this is probably the same reason you don’t think it’s acceptable to hunt elephants or hurt dogs for our pleasure or slaughter dolphins for food … Why? It exploits the elephants and the dogs and the dolphins. Doing so causes them pain, and doing so is NOT necessary for our survival. Well, the same is true of how we use animals for food, clothing, entertainment, and other ways. Doing so exploits them, doing so causes them pain, and doing so is UNNECESSARY for our survival.

To be against trophy hunting, dog fighting, and dolphin slaughter makes no sense if we continue to choose to exploit other animals in other ways, ways in which we have no need to do so. So please be willing to correct this hypocrisy and join this call for justice by going vegan … You can do it! … Peace and love to you and yours.” ~ inspired by Jerry Markz

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