My choice about your choice … (08/06/16)

You tell me that it is your right to eat animal flesh and drink animal milk. You tell me it is your personal choice — that you respect mine and therefore I should respect yours … Well, when your decision to eat animals, cheese, eggs, and dairy taints the air I breathe, poisons the water I drink, destroys the planet I live on, brutally tortures my belovedly innocent animal Friends, and even causes other humans to starve for lack of the grains (grown many times right next to their homes) that then go to feed the animals who will soon make your milkshake or steak dinner — when these are the consequences of your decision to live selfishly at the expense of others, then it is no longer merely your “personal choice” (and certainly no longer your “right”) to do so.

My Friends, living vegan is not a matter of opinion or preference. It is a matter of ethical consistency and it is a matter global necessity. It is the only thing that is going to bring you the inner peace you crave, and it is the only thing that is going to save the one planet we know of that can offer us a Home.

Your choice to not go vegan is a choice to support and directly contribute to the polluting of our air, the poisoning of our oceans, the tearing down of our rainforests, the destruction of our planet, the starving of our fellow humans, the enslaving & the murdering of our animals cousins, and ultimately the extinction of thousands of sentient species — quite probably our own among them.

And yet you are allowed to choose differently, my Friends … You are allowed right now — right this very minute — to choose anew: to either continue to be a co-conspirator in our world’s currently grave & inevitably deadly crisis, OR to finally rise up and start being a part of its direly needed solution.

Please choose wisely; please choose the latter … Thank you.

~ inspired by Rachel Ziegler

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