on Loving the Enemy … (07/31/16)

What with all the conflict & strife & anger & sadness the world is seeing these days, I think what we ALL need now more than a ever is a heavy dose of “Love your Neighbor” — remembering, of course, that Jesus defined “neighbor” only one place in the entire Bible, and that he did so by equating our “neighbor” with our ENEMY* …

As such, feel free today to go forth and do a Kind Deed for an enemy: hug a Republican if you are a Democrat; hug a homeless person if you are a Republican; hug a wealthy preacher if you are homeless person; hug a Muslim if your are a wealthy preacher; hug a Republican if you are a Muslim; hug a Black Lives Matter protestor if you are Republican; hug a Hillary supporter if you are BLM protestor; hug a Bernie supporter if you are a Hillary supporter; hug a lobbyist if you are a Bernie supporter … (You get the picture)

Heck, just get out there and hug someone …
Do it long and do it deeply and do it for no reason whatsoever.

It’s heading to Hell in a hand basket these days, folks, and our politicians (ALL of them) are far too interested in preserving their own status & their own wealth to do anything about it. As such, WE have got to be the change we need to see, and we have got to start being that change TODAY!!!

Amen … Let it be so.

*Jesus did this in the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37), where he defined “neighbor” with the Samaritan in the story — the cultural enemy of the Jews at the time, as well as stating that one who fulfills his meaning of “neighbor” is the one who “shows mercy” — something we can only do to one who has wronged us … Think about it.

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