To be truly Forgiven … (07/26/16)

I myself was a flesh-munching, udder-sucking non-vegan for over 45 years of my life, so I get how easy it is to be deluded by the milk&meat industry; how easy it is to go grocery shopping or sit down at a restaurant and casually look away from the enormous suffering I caused so many thousands of animals with my selfishly iognorant food choices …

And then one day a little over three years ago I found out the Truth — I found out that there is a dead calf in every piece of cheese and a murdered cow in every glass of milk; and I found out that we can all live long (actually much longer) and healthy (actually much healthier) lives without consuming any animals whatsoever.

And right then & there I decided to stop directly causing others to suffer for my lusts & pleasures … And right then & there I fetl so bad for all the pain I had acaused. I so wanted to tell all my pervious victims that I was sorry — I so wanted to make it Right …

Going vegan was my first step to doing so …
And going vegan will be your first step in that direction as well.

Make it Right again, my Friends …
Make your repentance a verb …
Go vegan.

Thank you!

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