Respecting the Earth (December 27th)

December 27Respecting the Earth: Take steps today to minimize your “carbon footprint”. There are many ways to do so, though for today, it is enough to simply choose between riding your bike or using public transportation all day. Do some research tonight on other ways you can “de-carbonize” your Living.

Though most scientists are in agreement that we are already too late to prevent a major ecological shift in the near future – one that will almost undoubtedly devastate a significant portion of the human population, we can still prevent the extinction of our species. We can do so, that is, as long as we choose to alter our behaviors to more powerfully harmonize with wishes of the Earth (as opposed to satisfying our own longings for convenience and comfort), and as long as we choose to do so soon – today – now!

Hint: the "go" is more important than the "green" ...

It is important to remember that, even though we cannot save the planet without the help of many others, each of us can make a significant, positive impact on the global environment. And reducing the amount we drive (today’s task) is only one of the many ways we can do our part.

Here are some other things that you can do to protect the environment and be kind to the Earth. None are expensive or difficult – though all do require you to consciously set aside personal desires and act instead for the betterment of the Whole.

become a vegetarian. This choice transcends the issues of an animal’s equally worthy right to life and your own health. The fossil fuels used to process meat production, along with the massive methane emissions from the ever-increasing herds of livestock, make this one of the best choices you can make for the Earth.

choose to stop smoking (or, if you don’t smoke, make your personal space a “smoke-free zone).

shop organic and buy locally produced goods at farmer’s markets.

on longer trips, use the bus instead of flying, and use the train instead of the bus. Jet emissions are the most deadly form of “ozone-killer” there is. Fly only when absolutely necessary.

recycle & compost.

buy less (every item you purchase has a footprint).

shop with reusable bags.

patronize businesses & restaurants that are environmentally friendly. Aren’t sure? Ask!

plant a tree(s).

use vegetable-based cleaning products.

turn down your central heating (even one degree makes a big difference).

use candles at night for everything but reading.

hang your wash to dry &/or wash clothes by hand.

avoid bottled water (obtain a purifier for your tap).

buy items with minimized packaging.

unplug all appliances not in use.

… “nuke” your microwave and avoid frozen foods.

It’s not too late – every small step is one small step closer to shifting the collective awareness of the entire population. We don’t have to do it all, and yet each of us has the privileged opportunity to do our own significant part to illuminate others … People don’t listen to words. People hear actions. So let’s go get to it – let’s go get green!

See You when I see you …

… and until then, Be Now!
